Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is making waves these days. It is being used to solve various problems, including healthcare and energy. Artificial intelligence has been heralded as one of the most important technologies of our time. It has the potential to change almost every aspect of our lives, from transportation to healthcare. As artificial intelligence continues to progress and evolve, it is likely to play an even greater role in our future.

The AI tool which has caught the attention of many people is Open AI. You might be wondering why CHAT GPT of Open AI’s got so much popularity within a very short span of time. Let us understand that in detail.

What is OpenAI’s Chat GPT? And why is it receiving so much attention?

ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI that uses the latest advancements in deep learning to generate human-like text. CHAT GPT has caught the attention of many people for its simplicity and effectiveness. The main purpose of ChatGPT is to provide a conversational AI system that can understand and generate text, allowing it to be used in various applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, language translation, text summarization, content creation, and more. ChatGPT has been trained on a large corpus of text data, allowing it to generate coherent and relevant text to the input it receives.

Many users are impressed by its ability to deliver human-quality responses, raising the possibility that it could one day disrupt how humans interact with computers and transform how information is retrieved.

CHAT GPT holds great potential for future use cases in industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, security, etc. As more businesses v automation and precision in their work processes.

Now let’s understand Who built ChatGPT? And How Does Chat GPT Work?

On November 30, 2022, OpenAI, a San Francisco-based AI and research firm introduces ChatGPT. Whisper, an automatic speech recognition system, and DALLE•2, a popular AI image and art generator, were also developed by OpenAI.

The CEO is Sam Altman, a former president of Y Combinator. As a partner and investor, Microsoft has invested $1 billion. They worked together to build the Azure AI Platform.

Top research labs have made significant progress with AI-generated text tools like ChatGPT in recent years, training the bots on billions of written words ranging from blog posts to classic texts. With the release of ChatGPT, simple AI-based text generators are now available to the general public. ChatGPT’s beta version has already attracted over a million users.

Now that you know, what is ChatGPT?  let’s investigate how it functions.

ChatGPT is a large language model that is built on GPT3 and GPT 3.5. In order to answer to user queries in a surprise human-like manner, this AI application uses machine learning techniques with a vast text corpus.

According to OpenAI, ChatGPT improves its capabilities through reinforcement learning, which is based on human feedback. The company engages human AI trainers to interact with the model while acting as both a user and a chatbot. Trainers compare ChatGPT responses to human responses and rate their quality in order to foster human-like conversation tactics.

How can ChatGPT be used?

ChatGPT may generate code, poetry, songs, and even short stories in the manner of an author. The capacity of ChatGPT to follow directions elevates it from an information source to a tool that may be asked to execute a task.

This makes it perfect for writing essays on almost any topic.

ChatGPT may be used to construct article outlines or even whole volumes.It will react to nearly any task that can be answered in writing.

The Limitations of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a sophisticated AI-based chatbot system, although it has significant drawbacks as well. It can only deliver answers based on the data, on which it was trained.

Because ChatGPT is not a search engine, it is unable to search the internet for information. Rather, it generates responses based on the information it learns from training data. This leaves room for error, therefore, ensure that all output is fact-checked for accuracy and timeliness.

The chatbot may be unable to deliver detailed information or comprehend context or nuances in dialogue.

As with all AI tools, corporate leaders should be mindful of the risks of potential bias. If the data used to train ChatGPT is biased, the bot’s responses will be skewed as well. All businesses must be cautious when reviewing chatbot output to ensure it is devoid of bias and objectionable content.

How to Get Started with ChatGPT

ChatGPT is now in the beta version of its development phase, and you may sign up by going to Click the “Sign Up” button to get started.

ChatGPT will provide samples of what you can accomplish with the tool and walk you through the process of executing your first queries, once you’ve created an account.

ChatGPT is now free to use, but the business concedes it may need to monetize in the future to cover “eye-watering” computational expenses.


As previously stated, ChatGPT is designed as a tool for which the general public will eventually have to pay. Within the first five days of its public launch, over a million people registered to utilize ChatGPT. Surely, ChatGPT will be a revolutionary technology since it has been taught to grasp what humans mean when they ask inquiries. Let us know in the comments what is your take on Chat GPT.